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Hallbrook Plus Extended Services

Our Mission

To offer a high quality wraparound provision that meets the needs of busy parents here at Hallbrook Primary School. The before and after-school club offers a convenient, safe, secure and fun environment that provides a much-needed service for our parents.

Meet our Staff

All of our staff are employed by the school, offering peace of mind for parents knowing that their children are in the safe hands of staff who know the children. All staff are trained in safeguarding, Prevent, equality and diversity and have enhanced DBS. They hold a Paediatric first aid qualification and a L2 Food Safety & Hygiene award.


Contacting Us

You can contact the club at the following number:

01455 285693 option 2 (between 7:30 - 9:00 and 15:00 - 17:30) or all other times, please call the main office (option 3).


Before school 

We know that having a great start to the day really supports a child with their learning throughout the day. The children will enter school ready, having had breakfast and have already engaged in learning experiences whilst at the session. Children will have the opportunity to sit down with their peers over breakfast and fuel up with toast, cereals, juice and water. A good breakfast is proven to help boost attention span, concentration and memory, allowing them to take advantage of every learning opportunity throughout the day.

Option 1 07:30 - 9.00 £5.55
(Aug 24)   £5.75

Children will receive a healthy breakfast of cereal and/or toast, and we will support them in getting ready the day ahead.

The After-School Club

There will be a range of indoor and outdoor activities daily, as well as a quiet area for the children to relax, read and complete homework. We encourage children to take part in physical activity but also have quieter activities they can do with friends to recharge after the school day. Our wraparound club is an extension to the school day and reflects the school's values and beliefs. Staff are able to adapt the schedule to take into account any change in weather and ensure that activities are engaging and fun for all.

Option 1 15:15 to 16:30 £6.60
Option 2 15:15 to 17:30 £10.85
Aug 24 Option 1 15:15 to 16:30 £6.75
Aug 24 Option 2 15:15 to 17:30 £11.00


Booking your Place

You must book on to your sessions by 22:00 the week before you need to use the sessions.


Log into your Parentpay account and select the sessions that you wish for your child to attend. Once you have selected your sessions and confirmed you will need to make full payment. If you do not make payment you session will not be confirmed and will automatically be cancelled

Childcare Vouchers

If you use any form of voucher, you must complete the booking form and submit it to the team. You must transfer your vouchers to the school within 24 hours to ensure your booking is secured.


  • We have three simple rules: be ready, be respectful, be safe.
  • We encourage positive behaviour recognition as the key strategy to adopt high expectations of behaviour and to develop quality relationships.
  • We understand the link between self-esteem and poor behaviour:
  • We focus on the development of self-confidence, self discipline, and reflective behaviour conversations that are restorative in their approach.
  • We provide a safe environment free from disruption, violence, bullying and any form of harassment.
  • We recognise that where unwanted behaviour is observed, this is a pupil’s way of communicating their emotions.
  • We use consistent approaches, with consistent language, in order to maintain fairness and expectation with equality in mind.
  • We encourage a positive relationship with parents and carers to develop a shared approach.
  • We ensure that good behaviour is about relationships rather than a pursuit of rewards.
  • Children are praised publicly and reprimanded in private and are rewarded for ‘Above and Beyond’ behaviour.