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Hallbrook Plus Extended Services

Our Mission

To offer a high quality wraparound provision that meets the needs of busy parents here at Hallbrook Primary School. The before and after-school club offers a convenient, safe, secure and fun environment that provides a much-needed service for our parents.

Meet our Staff

All of our staff are employed by the school, offering peace of mind for parents knowing that their children are in the safe hands of staff who know the children. All staff are trained in safeguarding, Prevent, equality and diversity and have enhanced DBS. They hold a Paediatric first aid qualification and a L2 Food Safety & Hygiene award.


Contacting Us

You can contact the club at the following number:

01455 285693 option 2 (between 7:30 - 9:00 and 15:00 - 17:30) or all other times, please call the main office (option 3).